Green Earth Carbon Solutions is bringing transparency to the carbon credit marketplace, with a focus on high-quality carbon removal projects to ensure truly additional and impactful offsets, while addressing concerns about equity and environmental justice across different regions and sectors.

Green Earth Carbon Solutions has millions of high-quality carbon offsets/credits available!

Green Earth Carbon Solutions can provide your company with what it needs!
We can provide you with carbon credits/offsets and DAC solutions...
Carbon Credits
Carbon credits are a way to measure and compensate for greenhouse gas emissions: Definition Carbon credits are a unit of measurement that represent a reduction in carbon emissions, usually measured in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e). Generation Projects that reduce or remove carbon emissions from the atmosphere, such as reforestation or renewable energy projects, can generate carbon credits. Trading Carbon credits can be bought, sold, and transferred through carbon markets. Companies may be given a fixed number of credits based on their emissions, and can then buy or sell more credits. Purpose Carbon credits fund projects that help reduce emissions, protect ecosystems, and support local communities. Traceability Carbon credits are traceable and are retired permanently when purchased. Certification High-integrity carbon credits must be certified under an internationally recognized standard. Uncertainty Carbon avoidance credits are based on estimates of what emissions might have occurred if a project hadn't been funded, so there is some uncertainty about how many credits should be produced.
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Carbon Offsets
Carbon offsets are a way to compensate for greenhouse gas emissions by purchasing credits from projects that reduce emissions elsewhere. They can be used to offset the environmental impact of activities that use fossil fuels, like air travel. Here are some examples of carbon offset projects: Forest conservation: Protecting forests, wetlands, and grasslands Land management: Paying property owners to preserve, replant, or delay development of their land Renewable energy: Building renewable energy sources Landfill management: Reducing emissions from landfills and capturing methane gas to generate electricity When buying carbon offsets, it's important to consider the following: Offset standards Look for offsets that meet recognized standards, like the Gold Standard, which is considered the highest global standard. Project type Support projects that wouldn't have happened without the extra funding from offset sales. Government policy If emissions reductions are required by government policy in a particular sector, a project to reduce them should not count as an offset. One place to buy carbon offsets is the UN Carbon Offset Platform, which offers a carbon footprint calculator and displays UNFCCC-certified climate friendly projects.
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Carbon Market
Key metrics for the carbon market include: carbon footprint, carbon intensity, carbon credit volume, compliance market activity, additionality, permanence, transparency, and the level of double counting, all of which are important for evaluating the effectiveness and integrity of carbon offset projects and market transactions.
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Carbon Market
Additionality: Whether a carbon offset project is truly reducing emissions beyond what would have happened without the project. Permanence: The likelihood that the emissions reductions achieved by a carbon offset project will be sustained over time. Transparency: The level of information available about carbon offset projects, including their methodology and verification process, to prevent double counting.
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Carbon Market Issues
Key issues in the carbon market include: lack of transparency, concerns about the integrity of carbon credits, potential for market manipulation ("gaming"), issues with verification and quantification of emission reductions, concerns about equity and accessibility, and the risk of "emissions leakage" where companies may simply relocate emissions to areas with less stringent regulations; all of which can undermine the effectiveness of carbon markets in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
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Breakdown of key market issues:
Integrity and Standardization: Without clear standards for carbon credits, it can be difficult to assess the legitimacy of emission reductions being traded, leading to concerns about "low-quality" credits. Transparency and Verification: Ensuring accurate measurement and verification of carbon projects is crucial to prevent double-counting and fraudulent activities. Additionality: A key concern is whether carbon offset projects would have happened anyway without the carbon market, meaning they are not truly "additional" emission reductions. Market Manipulation ("Gaming"): Companies might engage in strategies to exploit loopholes in the system and artificially inflate their carbon credits. Emissions Leakage: If a company reduces emissions in one location but simply increases them elsewhere due to cheaper costs, the carbon market is not achieving its intended goal. Equity and Accessibility: Concerns exist about whether carbon markets adequately address the needs of developing countries and vulnerable populations. Price Volatility: Fluctuations in carbon prices can create uncertainty for businesses planning investments in low-carbon technologies. Regulatory Framework: A robust regulatory framework is needed to ensure the carbon market functions effectively and addresses potential issues.
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Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF)
Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) is a fuel that can be used in place of conventional jet fuel and reduces carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. SAF is made from non-petroleum feedstocks, such as waste oil and fats, green and municipal waste, and non-food crops. It can also be produced synthetically by capturing CO2 directly from the air.
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Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF)
SAF can be blended with conventional jet fuel at levels between 10% and 50%, depending on the feedstock and production method. SAF is fully compatible with modern aircraft and can be directly blended into existing fuel infrastructure at airports. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) defines SAF as a fuel that reduces CO2 emissions by up to 80% compared to conventional jet fuel
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Our Team

Our Management & Sales Team
Kevin Manovich is our founder and has had a robust and diverse entrepreneurial career. Beginning as an IT senior systems engineer he developed a very successful IT consulting business working with Fortune 500 companies in solving their engineering and project issues, which he sold more than 20 years ago. He has created numerous technology companies along with investing in technology companies and owning a fiber optic network company. He has been involved throughout the years with the Arts and is partner is a NYC-based theatrical productions group. He has worked with numerous non-profits and has sat on their boards.
EVP of Operations
Richard Gilles has carved a distinctive path through an impressive fusion of disciplines, beginning with a solid academic foundation in ecology, evolutionary biology, and extending into foreign languages, construction, architectural design, finance, and systems engineering. His deep-seated interest in applied complexity theory has profoundly influenced his professional outlook, particularly in sustainability and the development of emerging ventures. As Managing Director at Barnraisers Group, LLC, Gilles has been pivotal in fostering innovation within energy generation, green hydrogen production, and more, underscoring his commitment to addressing critical global challenges. His contributions span economic development, including impactful work in Somalia, and significant roles within finance, national security, and biotech sectors. Gilles's consultancy has global reach, affecting change across various industries and continuing to drive sustainable and resilient business practices. His recognition for enhancing the sustainability of the built environment and his ongoing commitment to public service and education exemplify his dedication to societal improvement.
Director of European Sales
Hugo Duchemin stands out as a distinguished executive with a rich background in logistics, transportation, and aerospace, currently leading as the Managing Director at COMWORXX S.A.S. in France, a position he has held since May 2019. His tenure at COMWORXX is highlighted by significant achievements in management consulting and the pioneering of international business development ventures, particularly in aviation and the emerging green hydrogen sector. Before his current role, Duchemin made substantial impacts at Kuehne + Nagel and DSV - Global Transport and Logistics, where he excelled in global aerospace client management, strategic aerospace development for France, and spearheaded business development and logistics solutions in the aerospace industry, including special projects post the UTi acquisition by DSV.
Director of Business Devlopment Asian Market
Ms. Guo Xinnong is an experienced senior executive who has founded companies in many fields, including technology, education, finance, consulting, and media. She has extensive experience in top-level design, planning, marketing, supply chain management, procurement cost management, risk control, development, and financing. She has a wide network of resources, especially in the fields of technology, education, artificial intelligence, ecological protection, carbon reduction, new energy, and media. She also has extensive experience in international cultural and artistic exchanges, the construction of smart education systems, industry-education integration, investment management, business contacts, and the establishment of organizational institutions, and has deep and diversified capabilities in promotion and cooperation.
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